99771083 -- Adapter - 1000 Series Corn Head to AFX Flagship Combine


99771083 -- Adapter - 1000 Series Corn Head to AFX Flagship Combine

Product description

Corn Head Brand: IH

Corn Head Models: 1063, 1083, 1064, 1084

Combine Brand: IH

Combine Models: 7010, 7120, 7230, 7240, 8010, 8120, 8230, 8240, 9120, 9230, 9240, 9250

Installation Notes: This adapter gets fabricated onto the feeder house section of the corn head. This kit requires a large amount of fabricating work. Such as, cutting and extending the intermediate drives, removing and installing new supports, and cutting away old sections of the back tin work. Installation instructions are provided upon the delivery of this kit. 

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