The "Hired-Hand" Calf Corral (Patent No. 7389746)
The Calf Catcher calf corral was designed and manufactured with farmer's safety in mind. This product helps protect the farmer from overly aggressive mother cows while processing newborn calves. The calves can be caught and trasnported efficiently by one worker.
Check It Out!
See our Calf Catcher CC1100 in action!

Calf Catcher CC1100: Extended Hitch
The Extended Hitch Design allows for mounting to larger 4x4 ATVs such as the John Deere Gator, Polaris Ranger, Kawasaki Mule, and Kabota RTV. There is also an Extended Hitch Design for 6x6 ATVs. Please consult VH MFG, Inc. for more information.

Calf Catcher CC1100
The Calf Catcher weighs approximately 350 lbs., measures 4 ft. by 6 ft., and has 8 inches of ground clearance. The spring loaded gates are opened by pulling a rope while seated on the ATV. There is a latch which holds the gates open and is released by stepping on it from the ATV. The latch is located near the ATV operator's right foot.
Calf Catcher Add-Ons

And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker." So, God made a Farmer. - Paul Harvey