KIT99991885 -- C/M Knife Roller Kit with Heavy Stalk Roller (Add 99771883 Timing Tool to order - ... $995.00
Models/Applications:443, 643, 843, 1243, 444, 644, 844, 1244, 493, 494, 592, 693, 694, 893, 894, 1092, 1290, 1291, 1293 Replaces:
99776014 -- Auger Clutch Drive Sprocket 60 Chain 14 Tooth $145.00
Application: 443, 643, 843, 1243, 444, 644, 844, 1244, 493, 494, 592, 693, 694, 893, 894, 1092, 1290, 1291, 1293 Description: Auger Clutch Drive Sprocket 60 Chain 14 Tooth (Used in 99771635 Heavy Duty Auger Drive and Slowdown Kit)

"And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker." So, God made a Farmer." - Paul Harvey

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