H75847-N -- Belt - Propulsion Upper Drive
Propulsion Upper Drive Models/Applications:4400 (Requires 2 - Upper & Lower), 4420, 6600 Replaces:H75847

H75975-N -- Tailings Auger Cover
Models/Applications:3300,4400 Series,6600 Series,7700 Series,3300,4400,4420,6600,6620,7700,7720

H75978-N -- Upper Tailings Elevator Shaft - 10.500" long
Models/Applications:3300, 4400 Series, 6600 Series, 7700 Series, 3300, 4400, 4420, 6600, 6601, 6602, 6620 SN

H76111-N -- Hydro Motor Stub Drive Shaft - 19 tooth 3.06" long
Models/Applications:6600 Series, 7700 Series, 6600, 7700

H76277-N -- Secondary Countershaft - 63.187" Long
Models/Applications:6600 Series, 6600

H76278-N -- Secondary Countershaft - 74.062" long
Models/Applications:7700 Series, 7700

H76631-V -- Feeder House Drum Shaft - JD 42.562"
Models/Applications:6600 Series, 6600, 6620

H76933-N -- Straw Spreader Blade
Models/Applications:6600 Series, 7700 Series, 8820, 6620, 7720, 8820

H77010-N -- Belt - Shoe Grain Supply Auger
Shoe Grain Supply Auger Models/Applications:6600, 6620, 6622, 7720, 7721, 7700, 8820 Replaces:H77010

H77058-N -- Lower Clean Grain Auger Cover
Models/Applications: 6600 Series, 7700 Series, 8820, 6600, 7700, 7720, 8820
Replaces: H77058

H77751-V -- Feeder House Drum Shaft - JD
Models/Applications:4400 Series, 4400, 4420

H77755-V -- Feeder House Drum Shaft - JD 53.375"
Models/Applications:7700 Series, 7700, 7720

H77766-N -- Belt - Clean Grain Elevator/Feeder Conveyor & Loading Auger
Clean Grain Elevator/Feeder Conveyor & Loading Auger Models/Applications:6600, 6620 (Prior to S/N 502551), 6622 (S/N 610401 & above), 7700, 7720, 7721, 8820 Replaces:H77766

H79236-N -- Belt - Engine Fan, Alternator & Water Pump
Engine Fan, Alternator & Water Pump Models/Applications:3300 (Prior to S/N 100001), 4400 (Prior S/N 101301), 6600 (6404TH Sidehill-S/N 305673 & above), 6620 (6466DH-01 & 6466TH-01), 6622, 7700 (404TH-01-S/N 163901 & above), 7720 (6466TH & 6466TH-02), 7700 (404TH-01-S/N 163901 & above), 8820 (Prior to S/N 464351) Replaces:H79236

H79642-N -- Cylinder Drive Shaft - 3 tooth 65.31" long
Models/Applications:7700 Series, 7700, 7701, 7720 SN( , 556300), 7721 SN( , 562900)